
Top 5 Reasons to Use a CRM in Insurance Sales

What software and tools are you utilizing to increase your insurance agency’s productivity?

A customer relationship management system (CRM) is software that connects all your customer data in one place to nurture clients and leads. 

Just like insurance sales, a CRM is customer-centric. Utilizing a CRM system allows you to get organized, track your sales funnel, and keep track of every customer interaction you or your team has with a client. CRM programs also have advanced marketing and automation capabilities to assist your business. 

With an efficient CRM system in place, you can automate your agency’s day-to-day operations and focus on the things that matter: revenue and customer care.

This blog will focus on the top five reasons to start using a CRM for your insurance agency.


Advance Your Agency’s Marketing

Level up your marketing and move leads through your sales funnel. A CRM system allows you to build out robust customer journeys and provides each customer with a curated experience. Automate your marketing strategy, saving your agency’s team time and money. 

Use personalization to increase open and reply-to rates and set up targeted email campaigns, based on location, demographics, group size, etc.

Move leads through the funnel quicker by using a CRM system. Schedule personalized communications and follow-ups based on their particular lead stage. Send blogs, videos and infographics in the early stages of the funnel to show industry knowledge and begin to build trust. As they move throughout the funnel, share case studies, white papers, Ebooks and testimonials to position your agency as an industry thought leader.  

Provide seamless interactions with your agency for new and current clients. Automate your onboarding and renewal experience, cross-sell and upsell and stay top of mind. Nurturing these relationships will build trust and result in higher customer retention.

Use Data and Reporting to Your Advantage

Use your data to evaluate current agency processes in place and identify which ones are wasting your business’ time and money . 

Gain insights into your customer base and discover new ways to better serve them. Analyze data to pinpoint issues with unhappy customers and if there is anything you can do to bridge the gap and prevent future issues.

Understanding what actions leads are taking during the sales process, how they are interacting with your content and business and how long it takes to make a purchasing decision. Use this data to optimize the marketing campaigns and sales processes you have in place. 

Assess email data to create a more effective customer communications schedule. Find out what is resonating with your customers based on open rates and the best days and times to send communications.  

Collecting and analyzing customer data will help you truly understand your customers and anticipate their needs for higher retention, and customer satisfaction.

Track Your Leads

Lead tracking is a key practice to implement to increase lead generation and conversion rates for your agency. Knowing where your leads come from and the actions they take while they progress through the sales funnel will provide you with a better understanding of your audience and increase your agency’s revenue.

With a CRM System in place, you can track your leads by source, pull detailed reports and create custom campaigns based on source and stage of the sales funnel to convert leads to paying customers. 

Tracking leads allows you to understand which sources are the most effective and best use of your agency’s time and money. Track the ROI of your marketing and sales efforts and connect actual profits to lead sources to justify your spending on profitable initiatives.

Set Your Sales Teams Up For Success

A CRM system allows you to manage and optimize your sales team’s productivity and set them up for success. Monitor calls and record calls to use as a resource for coaching and compliance. 

Pair your leads with a member of your sales team based on certain criteria, and track the lead throughout the sales process. A CRM will allow you to structure and process your sales team’s commissions.  

Have the ability to automate your business process by creating call campaigns that allow your team to dial the newest leads automatically. Increase sales with minimal associate downtime.

Tap into your CRM data and use it to develop realistic sales objectives for your teams. For example, if the average time to move a lead to a closed sale is four months, then set those expectations with your sales teams. 

Team management functions within the CRM also assist your HR department with hiring documentation, managing contact details, salary information, licensing and carrier appointments.

Personalize Every Experience with Your Agency

Just like you would personalize their plan or policy, personalize a customer’s entire experience with your company. Personalization makes customers feel valued and special. 

It is very important to keep track and remember details that are important to your clients. Ask about their kids, talk with them about their favorite sports teams or their hobbies. Don’t forget to share information about yourself—allow yourself to form a personal, authentic connection with your clients. Keep these notes in your CRM to personalize each phone call, email or in-person interaction you have. 

Automate emails for clients that celebrate birthdays, company anniversaries, and holidays. When you take that extra step and provide a personalized touch to your service, clients will remember that. 

Make your clients feel valued and special with personalization. By keeping track of customer data and interactions, you’ll be able to create personalized, targeted interactions that build customer retention.

Take your agency to new levels of success with OneLink.

Putting the proper tools and technology in place allows you to provide a seamless interaction with new and existing clientele. Automate marketing and track sales analytics to create personalized communications and customer service.

Take full advantage of OneLink CRM’s capabilities to communicate with customers across multiple channels and build strong relationships. Use automated communications, and built-in customer management to help your team stay efficient while outperforming the competition. Keep current clients happy and free up your time to prospect and attract new clients.

Experience the product first hand— schedule a free demo today at