How to use a CRM and AMS to grow your Open Enrollment season sales!

Are you using the right CRM and Agency Management System to help during Open Enrollment season?
Open Enrollment is a full-year marathon, turned year-end sprint. It can be difficult to operate at 100% capacity when juggling client retention, sales appointments, annual compliance requirements, new plan year benefits, and ensuring that employees remain on track.
Utilizing the proper Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Agency Management system (AMS) can save a business time and energy while alleviating unnecessary stress.
To intentionally oversimplify; system automation of simple but time-consuming day-to-day tasks will allow for cleaner new customer acquisition, and greater client retention, and will aid in maximizing profit margins for any agency type.
Most agencies will face the challenge of managing new client growth and retention. Sacrifices do not need to be made as affordable technology solutions exist to aid in growth cohesion and service delivery.
Over the last decade Intruity Corporation has partnered with thousands of agency owners, many of which focus solely on the underage health, and Medicare space. Throughout the years we have learned a great amount about the insurance industry, the rules and regulations that independent agents work within, and the actual agent-to-client sales cycle.
Intruity Corporation is a CRM/AMS/VoIP telephone tech provider that has created systems to help agency partners streamline their business operations and save money. Throughout this article, we have highlighted a handful of the challenges that a sales agent and agency may face this selling season while showcasing how our smart tech products deliver needed solutions.
Client Communications
Communication is key to customer retention and to the onboarding of new clientele. A properly functioning business needs to be able to easily communicate in tandem with customers and prospects alike.
Having client data in one easy-to-use CRM system allows for mass message customization and utilization. A business can pre-select who gets what type of message on an individual basis or by grouping customers together by a common denominator. The action-based communication journey can be altered and manipulated by message type or client type as needed on the fly.
Intruity Corporation’s OneLink CRM/AMS system enables a business of one or of many to automate communication with simple clicks while keeping the messaging personal and relevant. OneLink outreach campaigns can be created leading up to Open Enrollment Season. This helps with the intent of advising customers of plan changes, the need to set up an appointment, that no action is needed at all, to request referrals, or to simply alert customers that you are on standby and ready to help.
With the OneLink system, you can create, store, and execute response messaging templates. Response templates could be created for, commonly asked questions, hours of operations, meeting reminders, plan change details, and more.
Action-based message automation allows the brand of the business to remain consistent, professional, and punctual and ensures that no desired outreach falls between the cracks. If additional employees exist, message automation can save countless hours each week per employee by automating common day-to-day tasks. Message automation can also limit self, employee, and customer stress.
Go beyond Open Enrollment and automate communications throughout the entire year. By staying in touch with customers in a relevant way a business remains top of mind ensuring retention, greater referral access, and cross-promotional sales opportunities.
Task Execution
Assigning, managing, and tracking the status of tasks within your business is paramount and can be tricky, especially if additional employees exist to help the business maintain customer care and growth.
OneLink CRM/AMS can automate any type of to-do or follow-up task such as initiating an appointment, appointment follow-up, paperwork/policy status, commission status, returning a call, a referral inquiry, and so much more.
The system can assign, track and monitor personal and team tasks. All task types can be organized, put into a calendar, and are able to be viewed within OneLink. With OneLink reporting capabilities a business can monitor progress, pended, or open items. OneLink allows a bird’s eye view of employee performance and execution for congratulatory or coachable moments. An additional line of sight of a task will ensure that the task is completed.
With customer data and integrated task manager functionality all in one system, it is easy to know where an open task sits in the business cycle. This allows for action-based progression that will ensure that a needed task is accomplished within an appropriate time frame.
Attracting and Managing New Customer Relationships
The onboarding of new customers is as equally important as customer retention. Due to the Open Enrollment periods enrollment criteria, the enrollment season remains the best annual period of time for many agency types to onboard new customers. Many agents and agencies will make 60-80% of their annual revenue from Q4 into Q1. However, the enrollment season also consists of serving current customers, and overlaps 3 U.S holidays and a handful of hunting seasons, making it a stressed jam packed time of the year for many.
The OneLinks CRM/AMS Lead Manager functionality makes it easy to act on new customer opportunities parallel to servicing existing customers. Remember, that a lead is not only a new customer that has originated from a marketing campaign but can also be in the form of a referral from an existing relationship.
With OneLink in place, you can organize a lead by its origin and automate the lead’s next steps to best convert the prospect into a customer. With Intruity Corporations OneLink system you can set up Lead email and task automation to ensure that no new opportunity falls through the cracks. Proper communication and consistency through the pipeline will maximize onboarding closing rates, and ensure best-case ROI.
Numerous lead reporting metrics exist within OneLink such as a lead’s origin, if the lead was dispersed and to whom, by the type of lead outcome disposition such as sold or not interested, and more. OneLink will help monitor and close more new prospects to ensure that best-case customer care is administered 100% of the time no matter the period of the year.
Using Data for Progress
Once the Open Enrollment dust settles wouldn’t it be nice to know what customers were enrolled into a specific plan, if commissions were paid on a case or not, what type of marketing triggered a sale, the origin of a new customer, if any customer tasks remain open, what employee was responsible for what action, and your overall sales number counts by product type?
Data is power and with Intruity Corporations OneLink capabilities a business will have a line of sight of what actions hindered or promoted business growth objectives. With the OneLink Client, Policy, and Lead Manager functionality, the needed data is at your fingers tips anytime and anywhere.
So once the enrollment season concludes get to a beach, kick up your feet, clear your mind, and let Intruity Corporations tech solutions help you coordinate your next steps.
Don’t settle for a CRM that won’t meet all your agency’s needs!
Intruity Corporation has developed a customizable all-in-one CRM/AMS product solution that has served thousands of users over the past decade. Our CRM/AMS/VoIP Telephone product solutions are built for business owners, by business owners.
OneLink is next-generation cloud-based software that’s been designed specifically to meet the needs of insurance agencies.
Take full advantage of the OneLink AMS & CRM capabilities to communicate with customers across multiple channels and build strong, lasting relationships. Use automated communications, and built-in customer management to help increase efficiency and outperform the competition, all while controlling costs.
Experience the product firsthand— schedule a discovery Call today at