Intruity Corporation
Insider Update June - 2023

Welcome to the Intruity Corporation Insider Update!
As our valued partner, we are excited to share a range of key feature updates and enhancements that we’ve made to our software platforms to improve your experience and overall usability.
We take pride in our technology solutions, and we look forward to continuing to serve your business growth objectives.
Key Features
Subtask Feature Update
Subtasks can now be linked to specific policies, leads, and customers. This allows you to stay more organized and keep tasks clear and simple.
Product Enhancements
- Meetings – removed seconds from invites for time.
- Added “Show All Meetings” checkbox to Meeting Rooms.
- Modified 2FA email to be sent from Intruity Mail.
- Meeting Invites were modified to send emails and phone numbers easier.
The texting error popup was redesigned and the wording was updated.
Employee Type settings now showing correctly on iPad.
The bottom of the texting popup window now shows correctly on iPad.