Intruity Corporation
Insider Update August - 2023

Welcome to the Intruity Corporation Insider Update!
As our valued partner, we are excited to share a range of key feature updates and enhancements that we’ve made to our software platforms to improve your experience and overall usability.
We take pride in our technology solutions, and we look forward to continuing to serve your business growth objectives.
Key Features
Introducing our Complimentary SMTP Relay
We’re delighted to announce that Intruity Corporation is now offering a complimentary SMTP relay for all our valued clients. This feature caters to those who either don’t have a personal relay to utilize or prefer not to opt for our premium SMTP service. With our free SMTP relay, you can conveniently send up to 500 emails every month at no extra charge.
We recognize the critical role communication plays in your business, so to help you manage your communication effectively, we’ve included an automatic check when emailing. This function ensures that email or text messages sent using the free SMTP relay won’t be transmitted if the total count exceeds the free limit of 500 emails. This feature keeps you informed and avoids any unintended disruptions to your communication process.
Premium SMTP Services Now Available
We’re delighted to announce that Intruity Corporation is now offering a complimentary SMTP relay for all our valued clients. This feature caters to those who either don’t have a personal relay to utilize or prefer not to opt for our premium SMTP service. With our free SMTP relay, you can conveniently send up to 500 emails every month at no extra charge.
We recognize the critical role communication plays in your business, so to help you manage your communication effectively, we’ve included an automatic check when emailing. This function ensures that email or text messages sent using the free SMTP relay won’t be transmitted if the total count exceeds the free limit of 500 emails. This feature keeps you informed and avoids any unintended disruptions to your communication process.
Product Enhancements
The Policy Renewals feature has been enhanced with the addition of Employee Type Settings. As an agency owner, you can now adjust settings to ensure specific employee types engage with renewals first, providing more control over your agency’s renewal process.
Improvements have been made to the LeadImport API and Manual imports by incorporating Assets as a valid import field. This update allows for a more comprehensive data import for both manual and API data.